
Das DA lesen?Ist ein Mitmensch schwierig?Stimmt nicht.Wenn sie seine Macke kennen,dann dient er Ihnen.Und alle 8 Millarden Menschen haben,wenn sie sie sie haben,dieselbe Macke.Und wie sieht die aus?------>ES wird immer nur gelogen.Immer nur wird gelogen.Und wenn die Wahrheit gesprochen wird,dann werden die Augen glasig und schauen ins Leere.Deswegen ja die Freude am Luegen,schafft gemeinsames Bodenanglotzen.Und der Sinn ist,wer die Wahrheit sagt und in der Wahrheit ist ein Fehler drin vom Partner,dann darf nun jeder den Fehlerpartnerschlagen.Falls zwei Menschen im Dialog einen Konflikt haben,dann gewinnt immer der Aeltere,weil er besser luegen kann.Und der Spass ist:Du bist schuld.Das sagen diese Menschen den ganzen Tag mit ihren Augen und mit ihren Haenden und mit ihrem Mund. Und es gibt nur ein Problem,weil das Luegen so Spass macht.Wenn die Luege zu gross wird,Schatz liegt mit Nachbars im Bett,gibts noch genug Rettungsluegen?

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Struggle How to relax during other people are fighting. Father or mother hitting their children or child in the face? Looking down to the floor is the wrong way because then the child can see, You are in the party of the hitting parents. So this is the way to destroy the own peace. * Struggle How to relax being Yourself in a struggle. There is only one strugglesystem in the world:Luther and the Pope,1521-year. All discussions or fightings or struggles are the same from Odysseus to Cicero to World Wars and in every relationship or educationfamilyproblem: One is acting like Luther and one person or party is action like the Pope. So both can make peace in one second,only one person has to interested in peace and win. The person acting like the Pope is listening to "Luther" The person action like Luther is asking the "Pope" for stop his silence. * Struggle When I was 8 years old,I was surprised to see in school,people like fighting,because the feel innocent,when they are hurting other people.And they are happy to see other people like bad people. * Struggle Nowadays when I see fighting couples for example in a train,they are answering: Without sceaming life would be boring. AND fighting and screaming does relax the body. Enjoy it. **** Why do people love and use drugs? First You make Your family and friends feel guilty and You can wait for presents. Second You stop Your emotions and start thinking,this makes You weak and gives pleasure to Your enemies. Third: The kinds of drugs:Smoking stops seeing sex and emotion,but You can count better.So many people like to smoke in an office. The kinds of drugs:Alcohol does it make You more easy to follow rules and others. The kinds of drugs:Marijuana makes You smile when You break a leg,this makes Your friends more relax. The kind of brain-drugs:Go to the Kindergarten and ask the children about smoking:Answer:Smoking does make the lungs black. Why are children such clever? * If You like to discuss these things in the school or in an university: Start: Why adults,parents or teachers,hit only one child. Even when there are 2 or 20 children? Isnt it. Queston:Why do a teacher or a parent only hit or sream against one child?

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